University of Michigan

+Impact Studio for Local Business

Our Solutions


During the summer of 2020, 37 students from the Michigan Ross School of Business and the Ford School of Public Policy engaged with small businesses in Detroit and SE Michigan to create solutions to business problems in the wake of COVID-19. This work was made possible through the generous support of the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation. All of our work is open source and was created for the common good. Anyone is free to use, download, modify, or distribute the materials here for any lawful purpose; please credit: University of Michigan +Impact Studio for Local Business.

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With the limitations of traditional dining and social distancing, what are the costs and benefits of pivoting to outdoor dining, curbside pickup, or delivery?



Gyms have more risks associated with COVID-19 than many businesses. How can gyms go outside, online, or employ other options to keep members until it is safe to make an in-person return?



Even during a pandemic, there are some things that must be seen, touched, or tried on. How can brick and mortar retailers use social media to actively engage their customers and increase foot traffic, use scheduling apps for by appointment shopping, or prepare for a second shutdown by going online now?



Selling Online

Until there is a vaccine, customers are increasingly relying on online shopping. From choosing a provider for an e-commerce site to developing effective advertising campaigns, how can all business owners help customers find them, understand what they do, and make it easy to buy?


Second Shutdown

The first shutdown came as a surprise and was extended unexpectedly. Many experts suggest there will be another spike in COVID-19 cases in the fall. What are the key things business owners should consider right now to develop their own plans for a second shutdown?


Value-Based Pricing

Reduced sales volume means a smaller margin of profit for your business. How can you price your products and services strategically to maintain your sales volume while increasing your profitability?


Cash-Flow Analysis

Cash flow frustrations are one of the leading causes for small business failure. How can you use your cash position to assess your performance and stay afloat during the pandemic?