About Us

During the summer of 2020, 37 students from the Michigan Ross School of Business and the Ford School of Public Policy worked with businesses in the restaurant, retail, and personal services sectors to identify common pain points and opportunity spaces for scalable solutions in the wake of COVID-19. After identifying five common problem areas, we developed tools to help businesses make progress in each of these areas.

We conducted interviews with businesses in Detroit and SE Michigan to understand the most pressing issues in these sectors, supplemented with industry research. Using this, we created financial tools, guides, and frameworks to help business owners better understand profitability and strategic operations in the COVID-19 economy. Our work focused on incorporating new technologies, navigating new business models, and changing supply chains, while keeping health and safety as the top priority. With our work, we aim to alleviate the increased pressure put on local businesses and play a part in helping small businesses survive and adapt.

The +Impact Studio for Local Business was organized by the University of Michigan’s Center on Finance, Law & Policy and its Detroit Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Project (DNEP), Michigan Ross’ +Impact Studio, and the Ford School of Public Policy to help businesses in Detroit and Southeast Michigan respond and adapt to challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and related shutdowns. It was made possible by the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation, the dozens of businesses who shared information with us about their needs and experiences, and our partners, listed below, who provided feedback on earlier drafts of our work products.

U-M’s work with small businesses in Detroit will continue through the Detroit Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Project and through Ross’ Business+Impact initiative. To get more involved in DNEP, click here.


Getting Started

Here is an introduction to the tools, guides, excel models, etc. on the +Impact Studio for Local Business website. If you are a small business owner or business consultant interested in navigating the website and finding the most relevant tools, this is a great place to start.


Our Partners


 With Support From:


Developed By the Following Students:

Lily Ackerman

Connor Bradbury

Kevin Davis

Nikki Farahanchi

Janani Gandhi

Victoria Huang

Rohan Kamat

Calder Lewis

Suibhne O'Foighil

Rhianna Reamer

Hanna Schechter

Jenny Vu

Sarah Bindon

Anthony Bui

Reid Diamond

Ellie Fichtelberg

Selena Grover

Conor Hynes

Christian Kassab

Jordan Lippert

Grace Phillips

Devon Regal

Annika Severson

Emma Wong

Simona Zhu

Vishwas Bonthala

Kate Cao

Anabela Dokic

Emma Forde

Amira Hassan

Shaun Jose

Tatum Kreindler

David Muso

Riya Prasad

Pallab Saha

Maheem Syed

Jean Xiong

Under the Direction of:


Christopher Mueller

Faculty Director for the +Impact Studio for Local Business,

University of Michigan Ross School of Business

The Detroit Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Project is Also Supported By:


Trehan Foundation

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